Thursday, October 17, 2024

Feature: Student Teachers

by Dustin S. 

YMS is lucky to have three student teachers this semester. We have Mr. Mickelson who is student teaching with Mrs. Andrews, Mr. Feit who is student teaching in Mrs. Mehlhaff's room, and Ms. Weisenburger who is student teaching with Mrs. Belgum.

When I asked them where they go to school Mr. Feit said USD, Mr. Mickelson said that he goes to Mount Marty, Ms. Weisenburger said she goes USD.

When I asked Why do you want to be a teacher Mr. Feit said that he likes helping kids, Mr. Mickelson said that he wanted to serve others and that he enjoys being in school he also said that he has passion for learning, Ms. Weisenburger said that a lot of teachers made an impact on her and that she thinks education is important and she wants kids to have someone they can look up to.

Mr Feit said that he wants to teach science or anything else and he wants to teach middle school. Mr. Mickelson said he wants to teach English but specifically creative writing or poetry and he wants to teach 7th and 8th grade or college classes because they would be fun to teach. Ms. Weisenburger wants to teach band or orchestra and she wants to teach middle or high school.

When I asked Mr Feit if he had any teachers that really influenced him he said his 6th grade math and science teacher. When I asked Mr. Mickelson he said his 7th grade math teacher Mrs Purdey and one of his college professors. When I asked Ms. Weisenburger, she said Kiley Coyne her band teacher and Karla Chiarello her orchestra teacher.