Thursday, October 10, 2024

News: See You at the Pole

story by Emery L.

photo by Emery L. 

photo by Emery L. 

See you at the pole is a global event where teens and sometimes youth leaders gather around their school flag pole, and pray for the school. See you at the pole, was on September 25th, at 7:30 so if you were able to come to it great! I know a lot of people come to the school around that time so you must have seen a group of people gathering around the flagpole. This is an annual event that happens every fourth Wednesday of September. See you at the pole also has a website. If you type SYATP in your browser it will take you to their website where you can learn more about it, and you can even organize one for yourself. See you at the pole has some youth leaders like Brian and his wife Lisa. Every year they bring free hot chocolate and donuts. There was a very large crowd this year. So maybe next year you will participate in it too.
photo by Mrs. Andrews

photo by Mrs. Andrews

photo by Mrs. Andrews

photo by Mrs. Andrews

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Middle School Tips

by Cora I. and Aaliyah S., 

In the YMS middle school we have seen some struggles with the new middle schoolers and we figured out a couple good tips for some new middle schoolers and would like to share them with this year's YMS. Some 6th graders struggled with making new friends, dealing with homework, and all the new emotions and people so we interviewed a couple 6th graders and two 8th graders to help get some answers for these questions!

Some middle schoolers struggled with all the new faces and emotions and would like to know how to cope with all of them. So we found out that finding out similar interests and starting a conversation casually can really help with making new friends! Some examples are, what school did you go to?, What is your favorite hobby? People are socially better at communicating when they know more about the other person.

Homework is the dread of all students but we all have to face it! Homework is a part of life and making time to get it done really helps! We found out that you can complete it easier by completing it at home where there are no distractions, but sometimes you have plans at home so we thought of some places you could do it such as study hall, homeroom, in the morning, after you got all your work done in class, or ask if you can work on it in the counselor's room. Homework really isn’t that bad but if you don’t get done you might not have time for extracurricular activities.

Do you struggle with getting to class on time? Do you ever see a friend struggling to get to class on time? Well we all know that it is very crowded and busy but some tips are that you shouldn’t waste your time even though it is fun to talk to friends, chatting can get you a little late to class. Though sometimes the reason you are late to class is classroom and request a Chromebook politely.

Sometimes getting to learn new things is hard, and sometimes it’s hard to hear your teacher talk but if you ever feel like you are struggling, talk to a parent, teacher, or counselor to help you with your homework. Here are some more tips you can get from my partner who says her answers in a different view and with more opinions of the interviewees. Because you dropped something or maybe was helping a friend, if you find yourself late don’t be afraid to explain it to your teacher and work things out smoothly.

Making friends is hard and lots of people struggle with making new friends, even grown-ups! Though for some students I suggest talking to other people openly and starting a conversation. Though for some it is a little harder to start a good conversation and don’t know who to talk to, I suggest that you look for a face you don’t recognize and start chatting. It's never too late to make friends.

Phones. They are everywhere texting, calling, staring faces but phones in class could be a big distraction, and could cause detention. Even though it is a good resource, they are not allowed at the middle school. So if you ever need a good resource go to the library or ask your teacher for help. 

My partner has some great tips but now we should get started on some more good tips. This is Aaliyah Schaefer; I am writing about an 8th grader helping out three new 6th graders.

I have interviewed three 6th graders Ericka S., Bailey S., and Kiara S., I also interviewed one 8th grader, Dani S.

The first question we asked them all was, what was your first emotion when you first walked into school, they all answered with emotions like anxiety, and nervousness. I asked Dani and she said she was nervous too, “It is okay to be nervous.”

The second question we asked them was what the hardest part of school was, Ericka said the hardest part is, the lockers “They are just too hard to open.” Kiara said the hardest part is, kids being annoying. “Annoying kids try to mess with me when I am trying to work.” Bailey said the same as Kiara. Dani said the hardest part is afternoons. “The afternoons just take too long.”

The third question we asked them was If they had enough time between classes, Everybody said that another minute would help. Dani said another minute would help too but get a pass if you need one.

The next question we asked was if they liked the dress code, everybody said kinda and it’s good. Dani said that she doesn't like it because some people don’t follow it and don’t get in trouble, and she can’t wear pajama pants!! “If I could, I would, I would show up every day in pajama pants.” Is what she said.

The sixth question was if they liked the no phone in class rule, Ericka and Kiara said it was good but Bailey said she wishes that in free time she could have her phone. Dani said she dislikes the rule but she said she doesn't advise sneaking your phone in class though.

The last question we asked was if they liked the way the teachers teach, Bailey and Kiara said 90 percent meaning one teacher kinda bothers them. Ericka said she likes them all. Dani said she likes them all. “If you don’t like the way the teacher teaches, just keep going.”

So here are some good tips for middle schoolers if you have any questions ask a trusted adult.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Opinion: Time Between Classes

by Aria H.

Last week I asked six YMS students if they thought three minutes is enough time in between classes. There were a few different answers but most of them were the same. The first people I asked had about the same answer. 

The first person I interviewed was Hattie H. She thinks that three minutes is not enough time. She states, “No I do not think three minutes is enough time because I have to walk around school to get to my classes and you have to go to your locker and the bathroom.” I then asked her how much time should be in between classes and she said “I think there should be five minutes so I can get to class with time to spare.” 

The second sixth grader I asked was Echo G. I asked her the same question of “Do you think three minutes is enough time in between classes here at YMS?” She answered “No because that's too short to got to the bathroom, to my locker, and plus slow walkers! So it's almost impossible to get to classes on time!” I then asked her how much time should be in between classes? She replied, “Five minutes because then I can go to the bathroom, go to my locker, and get to class on time.” 

Next I interviewed two seventh graders. The first one I interviewed was named Irelyn M. I asked her if she thought three minutes is enough time between classes? She answered, “Yes, three minutes is a good amount of time because the school isn’t that big.” 

Next person I interviewed was Alison I. I again asked her the same question if three minutes is enough time in between classes? She said, “No, because then you don't have time to go to the bathroom.” I then asked her how much time should be in between classes? She answered, “Five minutes so I can go to the bathroom and still get to class on time. 

Lastly I interviewed two eighth graders. First I asked Winry Y. I asked her if she thought that three minutes is enough time between classes? She replied, “Yeah because I get to my classes on time.” 

The last person I interviewed was Jayden O. I asked her if she thinks that three minutes is enough time in between classes? She answered with “No because my teachers tell me to use the bathroom in between classes but I never have enough time!” Then I asked her how much time should be in between classes? She said five minutes so I can use the bathroom and still get to class on time.”

So in general most people want a few more minutes to get to class. But some disagree and think three minutes is plenty of time in between classes.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Welcome to the Blog!

by Mrs. Andrews

Hello! I am the advisor for the YMS student newspaper. Throughout the year, we will publish a variety of projects on this blog. Students work hard to learn the skills to help them put their projects together while they also participate in this activity. Thank you for your readership!